On the Road...

"yet another travel blog..."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 5: St. Louis

Yesterday we didn't have time to go up into the arch, so today we went back.
The view from the top:

Looking straight down...

A game goes on in Busch Stadium...

After leaving the Arch, as we were driving away, an old factory building in the distance caught my eye. Cliched as it is, I can't help being attracted to them-- these old industrial sites. Maybe it's the layers of history, memories of the past shaped by the present...
Wielding my camera, we drove over, and not surprisingly I nabbed a ton of shots.

There were several other old buildings on the same block...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had to look it up...
this is the game that was played at Busch Stadium on Saturday, May 17: http://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/SLN/SLN200805170.shtml

December 31, 2008 at 9:48 PM  

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